Empower and lead
your community

Orgo is where community members unite and organize, to thrive in their mission.

Orgo is where community members unite and organize, to thrive in their mission.

Get started

community management
scouts wwf listen.org wewilder partidul reper cercetasii romaniei

Social network experience

Connect members in a structured and interactive way that enables your community to act harmoniously

  • Profiles & Groups
  • Discussions
  • Events
  • Files Drive

Easy online payments

Clearly and securely collect one-time or recurring revenue from your members and supporters, through Stripe online payments

online payments
membership fees donations subscriptions online payments

E-voting for stronger democracy

Secure, transparent, anonymous voting. Move your organisation democracy in the digital age.

  • Polls
  • Elections
  • General Assembly
  • Custom configurations
electronic voting
electronic voting electronic voting
task management
help desk

Help desk

Transform your members requests into tasks, organized by priority and assignees to get things done

  • Ticket tracking
  • Task management
  • Backlog/Kanban board

Gamification & training tracking

Empower your members to achieve their potential also through social recognition. Keep track of the member's activity.

  • Badge management system
  • Training traceability
  • Role history
badges gamification
badges gamification
local groups map

Decentralized governance with local groups network

Minimize bureaucratic hurdles and eliminates hierarchical bottlenecks, streamlining administrative processes

  • Local groups manangement
  • Local group autonomy
  • Regional level

Management driven by secure data and automation

Eliminate repetitive tasks, and bring all data in one place to take better decisions

  • Secure Digital Identity
  • RBAC
  • Automation
  • E-documents
  • Analytics & Reports
  • API & OAuth
analytics analytics

Leading organisations grow with Orgo

  • “As someone who appreciates what technology can do but is easily overwhelmed by learning new systems, I was delightfully surprised to discover Orgo. Their streamlined menus, uncluttered visual layout, and simple intuitive navigation make the user experience joyful."


    Jennifer Grau

    VP of Membership, International Listening Assoc.

  • “With an organisation of 8,000 members and more than 80 local groups coordinated almost exclusively by volunteers, Orgo is at the heart of our digitisation process, allowing us to focus on what we do best - learning by doing, nature, personal development.“

    andrei avram

    Andrei Avram

    President, Romanian Scouts

    andrei avram
  • “Orgo has made it so much easier for us to manage our volunteers, electronic documents and signatures, registrations and communication. It's exactly what we were looking for!“

    adrian suhanea

    Adrian Șuhanea

    Volunteers Manager, Rompro.nl

    adrian suhanea

Build a different kind of community

Schedule an onboarding call

Free trial
membership membership